Opening session: Introducing the ENRICH Erasmus+ project
Lili Cavalheiro (FLUL/ULICES)
Luís Guerra (UE/ULICES)
Ricardo Pereira (ESTG-IPL/ULICES)
Rita Queiroz de Barros (FLUL)
“Multilingualism in the traditional English-speaking centres: some historical notes”
Ana Gonçalves Matos (FCSH- UNL)
“How ENRICHing is intercultural citizenship education?”
Moderator: Silene Cardoso (ULICES)
Suresh Canagarajah (Pennsylvania State University)
"Globalization of English and Changing Definitions of Proficiency"
Moderator: Lili Cavalheiro (FLUL/ULICES)
Helena Soares (APPI)
Teresa Hipólito (Patrício Prazeres/Cooperating Teacher)
Rúben Correia (ESPAMOL/CPD Course Participant)
Roundtable on "Fostering multilingual EFL classrooms through an ELF approach"
Moderator: Luís Guerra (UE/ULICES)
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Invited Speakers

Suresh Canagarajah
Pennsylvania State University
Suresh Canagarajah is the Edwin Erle Sparks Professor of English, Applied Linguistics, and Asian Studies, and Director of the Migration Studies Project, at Pennsylvania State University. He teaches courses in World Englishes, Multilingual Writing, Language Socialization, Rhetoric/Composition, and Postcolonial Studies in the departments of English and Applied Linguistics. He was formerly the editor of the TESOL Quarterly and President of the American Association of Applied Linguistics. His Translingual Practice: Global Englishes and Cosmopolitan Relations (Routledge, 2013) won best book awards from the professional organizations American Association of Applied Linguistics, British Association of Applied Linguistics, and the Modern Language Association of America (MLA).
Ana Gonçalves Matos
Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Nova University Lisbon
Ana Gonçalves Matos is an Associate Professor at FCSH, NOVA University Lisbon. As a Researcher at CETAPS, she coordinates the ‘Intercultural Studies in Second Language Education’ strand. Two European financed projects she is involved with are:
Rita Queiroz de Barros
School of Arts and Humanities, University of Lisbon
Rita Queiroz de Barros has an MA in Sociolinguistics (1994) and a PhD in English Linguistics (2004) awarded by the University of Lisbon, where she teaches as an Assistant Professor. She heads the Linguistic Studies research group of the University of Lisbon Centre of English Studies. Her research interests lie within English (Historical) Sociolinguistics.
Helena Soares
Portuguese English Language Teachers' Association (APPI)
Helena Soares is a teacher with experience in all levels, from young learners to university students, an accredited teacher trainer and coursebook author. Currently working with APPI and AE Escola Secundária Padre António Martins de Oliveira in a Bilingual School (PEBI). Particularly interested in CLIL / bilingual education, multiple intelligences and using technology in the classroom.
Rúben Correia
ESPAMOL School Group/CPD Course Participant
Rúben Constantino Correia is a Portuguese and English Lower Secondary teacher. He holds a teaching degree from the Algarve University and a Master’s in English and North American Studies from Nova University of Lisbon – FCSH. Currently, he is a PhD student on English Teaching Methodology at Nova University of Lisbon – FCSH.
Teresa Hipólito
Patrício Prazeres School Group/Cooperating Teacher
Teresa Hipólito is a Permanent Teacher at the Patrício Prazeres School Group and president of the School Group General Council where every year many students from India, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Nepal are placed. These students use English as the language of communication and learning. She is also involved in the Monitoring of the Scientific and Pedagogic Dimension of the External Assessment of Teachers of English Teaching Performance and in the Professional Practice of the Masters in English Language Teaching at the School of Arts and Humanities at the University of Lisbon.

Suresh Canagarajah (Pennsylvania State University)
Globalization of English and Changing Definitions of Proficiency
Debates about international English have revolved around two important questions. They are: Whose norms should we adopt? How do we define proficiency in the English language? The answers to these questions have been dominated by positions belonging to two well-entrenched ideological camps that I would label the World Englishes (WE) perspective (see Lowenberg 2002) and the Standard English (SE) perspective (see Davies 2002). SE would argue that the norm for testing should center on one of the dominant varieties—standardized British or American English. WE proponents would contest the relevance of these exogenous norms for postcolonial communities with institutionalized varieties of their own, and would argue that correctness should take into account local norms. As for proficiency, SE proponents would measure it in terms of the “native speaker,” defined as the monolingual speaker from the homogeneous “inner circle” speech communities that have traditionally claimed ownership over the language. For WE proponents, proficiency means the ability to engage in meaningful social and institutional functions in multilingual communities according to local conventions. While scholars of both campus have been engaged in this debate, unknown to them the ground has been shifting under our feet. We find ourselves in a new geopolitical order with different communicative needs. What I call postmodern globalization rules the previous arguments irrelevant and calls for a more complex orientation that moves the discourse on proficiency to a totally different level.
In this presentation, I first introduce the changing social context and outline the new communicative needs people are faced with. Based on this context, I then describe the new orientation to norms and proficiency that should inform teaching and assessment. This means that we have to move away from the previous paradigms of teaching to creatively devise new practices that would address our emerging communicative needs.
Rita Queiroz de Barros (FLUL)
Multilingualism in the traditional English-speaking centres: some historical notes
Though the TESOL industry still tends to consider its target as a hermetic and discrete language system and the learning process as ideally “uncontaminated by the knowledge and use of one’s other languages” (May, 2014: 2), there are signs of recognition of the “multilingual turn” within applied linguistics. This implies acknowledging that the increasingly multilingual repertoires of EFL students may be an asset in the learning of English, an approach that is exemplified by the ELF-aware pedagogy discussed in this event. It is also interesting to notice, however, that even when taken as a bounded and unitary language system, English is also the product of language contact emerging from multilingual situations. The purpose of this talk is to present some historical notes on the presence and effects of multilingualism in the two traditional centres of the English language, Britain and the USA, and to exemplify the way it has impacted upon the uses of English that they host.
Ana Gonçalves Matos (FCSH-NOVA)
How ENRICHing is intercultural citizenship education?
The question that I will be addressing within the context of foreign or second language education (FL/L2), considers the needs of students who live in the 21st century. According to the CEFR/CV (CoE 2018) we should prepare students, as ‘citizens’, i.e. as ‘social agents’ (CoE 2018, p. 23) to interact successfully in a FL/L2. This demanding goal involves a set of skills, competences, and knowledge that refer to a multifaceted notion of language, embedded in the equally complex and liquid nature of culture and cultural identities. Keeping up with current times, when personal and social relations cross over several types of borders, communication must be considered within its contextual complexity, beyond the functional uses of language, no longer understood as a stable, predictable noun. Preparing learners to manage the frictions and gaps generated by the interaction between cultures and to identify the tensions and misunderstandings that a small world made global tends to intensify, requires a critical stance, interpretive and reflective tools and practice.
Our super-complex, polarised world of fake news, alternative realities, growing populisms, and science denial conspiracy theories, requires the promotion of active and meaningful citizenship education. Language classes that aim to prepare students to interact successfully with alterity and to critically mediate uncertainty and complexity should consider intercultural citizenship education as a priority.

Lili Cavalheiro (University of Lisbon / University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies)
Luís Guerra (University of Évora / University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies)
Ricardo Pereira (Polytechnic of Leiria / University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies)
Silene Cardoso (University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies)
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